Silk Necktie Quilt
The UNLWC Piecemakers Quilt Group created a beautiful new quilt from silk neckties. The neckties belonged to Prem Paul, UNL Vice Chancellor for Research, from 2001 – 2016. His widow, Missy Paul donated the neckties to the quilting group to use for their projects. The quilt was 44” x 52”, contained 42 blocks and included parts of 126 of his silk ties. It was raffled at the Spring Luncheon in 2019.
The members of the group were so pleased that their quilts have been used to help provide scholarship funds, to students at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln.

Big Red Poppy Quilt
"Everything old is new again” -the Big Red Poppy quilt wall hanging made it's second showing, last raffled in 2001 and had been hanging in a cabin since then. Marge Young kindly donated this beautiful wall hanging to supplement the UNLWC scholarship fund. Designed and appliqued by Gay Gallup and handstitched by Gay and members of the Piecemakers Interest Group, the quilt was raffled at the 2018 Spring Luncheon.

This quilt (pictured below with the ladies) was raffled during the 2016-2017 year with all proceeds going to the UNLWC scholarship fund for current UNL students. The disclosure of who won the quilt occurred at the Spring Luncheon.

Clockwise from front: Jeanne Foster, Lori Miller, Linda Gosey, Wanda Omtvedt, Jane Clegg, Billie Lefton, Gay Gallo, Erny Von Bargen

International Sue Comes to UNL
The members of the Piecemakers group are so pleased that their quilts have been used to help provide scholarship funds, to students at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln.