Interest Groups

Interest groups are the essence of the UNL Women’s Club, where our mission statement comes alive. These small groups are where acquaintances develop into friendships.  Our common interests grow into strong bonds, and our desire to serve the University turns into action.  

 Our Interest Groups Include the following:

BOOK CLUB is for all who enjoy reading and discussing books with friends. 

  • BOOK CLUB I –  1st Wednesday at 9:30 am.  Chair Judy Jensen
  • BOOK CLUB II – 1st Tuesday at 9:30 am.  Chair Deb Miller and Chris Wilhelm
  • BOOK CLUB III -  3rd Friday at 10:00am.  Chair Bonnie Varvel

BRIDGE groups meet monthly for bridge and friendship. Most groups are open for new and substitute members. A new group could be established if enough people are interested.

  • BRIDGE I—1st Thursday, 11:30 am lunch at Olive Garden, play at 12:30 pm, Chairs Janice Lawrence and Bonnie Varvel
  • BRIDGE II—3rd Monday, 9:30 am play at the Preserve with optional lunch at 12:30 pm.  Chair Kay Rockwell
  • BRIDGE MARATHON—monthly (October-April). Chair Kay Rockwell

HUSKER PANTRY Supports UNL students through donations of food, personal care items, etc. to the Husker Pantry. Collection times announced throughout the year. Chair Tina Shrader

COUPLES GOURMET meets monthly during the academic year. Fun and food-loving group that creates assigned dishes to share at unforgettable meals at hosts' homes. Chair Laura Damuth

CULINARY ARTS has themed luncheons at hostess' homes. Members bring a dish to match the theme and provide the recipe to members via email. Chair Arlene Smith

  • MEETS the 2nd Thursday at 11:30 am. Limited to 12 members.

NOONERS meet for lunch or dinner out. Sign up to choose the restaurant, time, and to make reservations. Meets the 2nd Thursday beginning in October. Chair Cathi Haisch

GROUP THERAPY meets monthly during the academic year and dates/times vary. Dinner out at various local eateries. Chairs Miriam McCornick, Kelly Powell

INTERNATIONAL CLUB has monthly programs or lunch outings to learn about other countries and their cultures. Dates and times vary. Chairs Kay Rockwell, Pat Hurley, Sarah Purcell, Cheryl Trzupek, Kay Phillips.

MEALS ON WHEELS delivers hot meals to the elderly and disabled. Volunteers needed to serve for 1 to 1-1/2 hours monthly. Chair Chris Read

NEWCOMERS & FRIENDS are new members plus other members of UNLWC who wish to participate in activities. See Newcomers and Friends page for more information.  Chair Arlene Smith

PIECEMAKERS quilting group meets every Tuesday, 9:30 am-noon.  Beginners welcome.  Non-quilters are encouraged to bring a needlework project and join in. Chair Jeanne Foster

VARIETY CLUB - Join in a different activity each time we gather (e.g. movie, lunch, discussion, volunteer opportunity, performance, etc.).  Chairs Chris Wilhelm, Karen Buckley